God's perfect gift touches all of us, and throughout March, our Sunday sermon series will feature a glimpse of what life was like when the world was expecting but had not yet received its Savior: The time of B.C. This will lead up to Easter weekend—a time to come together as a congregation and community. We have great things planned, and we hope you can be a part of all of it!
Friday, April 3, 6:30 p.m.—"Come to the Cross" musical presented by the NEBC choir. Childcare is provided for birth-4 years.
Saturday, April 4, 10 a.m.—Easter Egg Hunt for children birth through 5th grade.
Sunday, April 5, 8:15 a.m. & 10:50 a.m.—Join us either service to enjoy Pastor Ed's Easter message. There will be a special program for children too, featuring Allan Johnson.* (Children's Church will be during the entire services, both services, and will meet in the children's wing.)
*Allan Johnson lives in Oklahoma City and is the Founder & CEO of Johnson Performance Systems. He is an internationally recognized speaker and master teacher who has presented to over 50,000 students and adults spanning six continents. He was a record-setting athlete in the same school district where he was awarded District Teacher of the Year as a Vocal Music Teacher and a coach of various sports. He is known world-wide for his powerful, innovative, and hilarious presentations.