All NEBC leaders and members are encouraged to attend this exciting summit at NEBC that will encourage you, teach you and honor your sincere dedication to reaching the unchurched and developing disciples of Christ—all at no cost to you!
Don't miss this opportunity to delve into discipleship by learning how to facilitate Sunday School growth through five exciting strategies. We will begin the summit with a special dinner Friday evening (6:30-8 p.m.) where you will enjoy hearing from Bob Mayfield, BGCO's Sunday School/Small Groups Specialist. We will continue Saturday morning at 9 a.m. to explore five strategies for growing Sunday School membership, and we'll then put them into action by visiting class members for the rest of the morning, until noon. Finally, we will have a Sunday School Teacher Dedication Sunday morning during service.
Please RSVP HERE by February 16 to join us for this amazing experience! Childcare will be provided.