Onward giving update!
Thank you for your continued generosity! The update below is as of December 9, 2018.
Total funds received: $452,248.26
Total funds pledged: $504,197
When Northeast Baptist Church began in 1985, its founders were willing to sacrifice the security of large, established church homes in order to reach more of Norman. Our foundation has been to trust God and do what is necessary to expand God’s work in this church. And just as we have been obedient in expanding God’s kingdom since our beginning, we have a responsibility to prepare for everyone who will someday walk through our doors.
Paul reminds us that Christ calls all Christians to be generous (Acts 20:35). The early Christians heeded this call, and thousands of years later, we are benefitting from that. We have the same obligation. God has called us to be people of grace, and NEBC shows this grace through our generosity
We are a place of learning and spiritual growth.
We support missionary efforts locally, nationally and across the world.
We value unique opportunities to serve.
Our members have always been financially generous.
We have the unique privilege of providing a permanent place of worship to serve future NEBC generations. We can reach more people and disciple those who God has entrusted to us. Wherever we go, we are the church, and a new infrastructure can be the home base that helps us:
Reach people, keep those people and make them disciples.
Foster more meaningful relationships.
Provide space for significant life and ministry events.
Our vision is to expand. Expand our impact. Expand our people. Expand our campus. We have been here before, and because of our church body’s giving spirit, we have met the financial challenge that comes with expansion in a way that has left us debt-free today. As we approach the next season of NEBC’s vision, we believe that God has given us the property and an opportune time to give a tangible witness to our community that the purpose of
NEBC is to reach people for the glory of Jesus Christ.
In 1990, we gathered 50-60 worshipers on a Sunday. Now, we regularly surpass 200, exceeding the capacity of the current worship center. We praise God! In accepting our responsibility to reach a growing neighborhood, we are faced with providing an adequate worship facility for those who are yet to come. The time to prepare for them is now. The need is:
To break through the 200 mark in Sunday School and see an average of 250 in worship.
To raise an amount equal to 1.5 times our budget, in addition to meeting our general budget requirements.
Most importantly, we must realize like our spiritual forefathers that these things we can’t do alone. We can only do them through the LORD Jesus and because of Him. As in all things, our desire is that of John the Baptist when he said, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).